To me this labyrinth is a symbol of science, mind, free-flowing inventive thought, activity, moving on. It’s sometimes way too much energy to look at it.
It is a place you want to focus on something to allow your mind to be filled with only that thing. To explore and allow everything connected with it to expand. Use the energy of this labyrinth to seek your answers to the logical questions your unlogical, emotional mind craves to comprehend.
I use Universal Symbols Cards for focus here. I made them myself from several sources. Choose one then use that image and thought, that visceral feeling you get when you looked at it the first time, to explore this labyrinth.
The Universal Symbols Cards consist of 7 colors for the main chakras with symbols relating to that color and chakra. Samples: Red-Root Chakra-Scorpion-Conflict or Green-Heart Chakra-Eagle-Courage. I DID NOT include a picture on the cards purposely so everyone could fill in the image in his/her own mind rather than me telling you what you should think of when you see the words and colors.
Your mind is more than your brain. It is tied to your heart which also thinks. It is tied to this world and to the spirit world.
Tesla said “My mind is but a receiver.”

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