Thursday, January 18, 2018


Steps to Tintagel Castle
Not long ago I was at a memorial for a friend who had passed on. I ran into the sister of someone another friend who had passed recently. I told her that I missed her sister's presence. I rarely saw her sister as she knew. She looked a bit puzzled. 

What I really meant was that I missed the possibility, now gone, of meeting her sister on the street, or in a bookstore, or in a meeting. The possibility of having that person to tea and discussing books all afternoon. The possibility of laughing with her again. The possibility of subtle humor shared. To those left on earth that person becomes finite. The possibility of doing more with them, of being more is gone.  I miss possibilities.


  1. I understand. When my mom died, I missed the possibilities of what our relationship could have been as much as I missed her.

  2. In my recovery from my hip surgery, I want to learn how better to embrace possibilities when they present themselves.

  3. Yes, it isn't only death that removes possibilities. Sometimes we fritter away time until the possibilities are gone. Sometimes we are so involved in something else we lose track of the many other possibilities we might miss. We can't do everything! And sometimes we are being stubborn wanting things to be our own way instead of asking what possibility might be opening for us. We can explore this through some dowsing and card work. Contact me to set up an appointment, Judy.
