My friend's Tarot Facebook group (Cynthia EkrenTarot) was discussing about the tremendous amount of energy that’s making us all uneasy right now. I came up with an interesting reading from my new Tarot deck, the Sedona Vortex Tarot.
After I read it, I wondered if this was the same type of energy going on the year that my Henri, cat, had been wandering around for four months out in the woods. She was supposed to be learning from Bast and Sehkmet. However, she chose not to use what she learned out there. I got the nine of Boynton Canyon again - You think you are secure but maybe you are not. Out of insecurity we want to stay curled up in the energy we already know even if it's scary and uncomfortable. Is this really the time to do that?
Sometimes we feel the passion and calling to do something great or assist in something greater than ourselves but we are afraid to step forward into that energy. It’s just too much for us.
Henri has chosen not to share much about that time or what’s she’s supposed to do. I am still awaiting instructions from the Goddesses through her. I think I am insecure in going forward myself. Is that how you are feeling right now?Perhaps this is a good time to learn what to do to step into your own power. Learn what you can do and begin to use it.
Here's the reading with photo of the cards: (I thought I pulled one card but had two. Then three fell out of the deck)
Sounds like we are all getting excited and releasing passionate emotions which are going into the atmosphere. That’s the main thing causing the upset in the energetic world. However, we have the choice what we want to do with that energy do you want to use it to bring good to do things that you are really passionate about in your life or to change something in your life or you want to be stuck right where you are. That was the first two cards' messages.
The last cards (that fell out) are about controlling your passion and using it for self realization, being yourself in that energy. Also maybe Mother Nature is kind of laughing at us and reminds us that we think we’re secure but we’re really not. And, lastly, this all leads to clean up your act to reveal truth and get to a place of enlightenment.