Friday, November 29, 2024

 There is nothing more annoying to a woo-woo person than trying to work with computers.  I can be intuitive for people, land, animals, but a machine drives me nuts.  So I've spent the hour last just trying to update my password and the next hour trying to change just a few things on my site.  It feels like I should do more revamping the whole thing.  But I'm tired and chill now.  I moved my desk near a window.  Brrrrr.  May have to put plastic up on that one.  

Anyway, been a long time since I've been here.  That's why I'm having such trouble with this site update.  So sorry about that.  The mind is a strange thing.  Time is also a strange thing. Combine them maybe they work. When they do not, not so much.  It's called malaise and despondency. It's not quite depression but getting there. You can seem perfectly normal to everyone but you know you are not because what your mind says doesn't match what the time says. It can very confusing.  Sometimes you fall into the trap of thinking that as a healer, you can totally "fix" it yourself.  Sometimes.  Not always.  Go get help if you need it.  Enough about that.  

Check out the site services page.  That's about as far as I've gotten.  Price changes (sorry) to keep up with local price changes for everyone.  Had to happen. 

Meanwhile I've been working on several books - a couple of kid's books and a biographical memoir. Been working on them a long time but they are much progressed from last year.  Someday I might share them with you.  I don't mean to tease.  I'm just not ready for that. I wanted you all to know I'm still alive and kicking. 

I have started posting a Magical Cat Tarot card every day on my personal page and on Avallon Grove page.  Please check that out.  It may evolve into other things.  What do you think? - a free reading once or twice a month for someone? Or/and read a spread two or three times a week for all instead of one card a day? 

The whole site may change in the end or it may not.  You will have to stay tuned. Meanwhile a hint about the kid's books. This is my inspiration created by Bonnie Welch in honor of her Tuxedo cat, Boris.  I forgot he had a red top hat. 

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Permission Slips

A friend texted me recently to tell me another friend of hers passed away. She went on to tell me that I needed to get a permission slip if I was going to die.

I laughed but gradually realized that I’ve kind of things go during this Covid time. I hadn't realized that I was spending time on politics and cats not concentrating on connecting to people.


I pulled this today for my Tarot card. 

5 of Sea (Cups)



When you’ve had a setback or rejection or something you want it hasn’t come to you yet, The story isn’t over. Pull yourself together and try again.

So let me reintroduce myself.

My name is LuAnne. I live in the Northwoods among three labyrinths with two cats. We ward this land with the help of our spirit friends. I practice energy healing (ASH and Reiki) and share messages from the Mystical Cat Tarot.  I am here to assist you via phone, text, private message or email ( LuAnne White or Avallon Grove FB pages.)

218/616-0953 (leave message if I don’t answer!)